Giovanni Battista Scalabrini: a holy bishop, from Piacenza to the world

The Church of St. Charles

The Church of St. Charles


The building dates back to 1624, although with a late 19th-century façade and renovations, and was part of the complex relating to the Capuchin convent, later suppressed by Napoleon. It was reconsecrated on October 22th, 1893.

On the outside, the panels by Paolo Perotti, sculpted in 1999, form a cycle depicting the works of Scalabrini during his episcopate (Scalabrini imparting catechism, support for the sick, pastoral visit).

Bas-relief by P. Perotti, The Pastoral Visit

Bas-relief by P. Perotti, The Catechism

Bas-relief by P. Perotti, The Pastoral Visit, Scalabrini meets the sick












The interior has a single nave with side altars. The first chapel on the left houses a reliquary with the remains of St John Baptist Scalabrini and a recent mosaic painting on the wall recalls the bishop’s Mission for migrants.

In the corresponding chapel is a much-venerated statue of the Infant Jesus dating back to the 16th century from the lost church of St. Gervasius, in the adjacent chapel, a 17th century painting by Carlo Francesco Nuvolone with the Transit of St. Joseph (1648) and relics of St. Charles Borromeo.

Left Chapel

C. F. Nuvolone, The Transit of Saint Joseph,1648



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